Server and building access over the winter break
12. 12. 2022
Over the winter break (December 23rd to January 8th) the IMS building will be closed, you will however still be able to enter it and the computer pool with your student IDs as usual. Note that the heating will be turned down, so it will be cold. The pool computers will be turned off to conserve energy, but you can turn them on if you need them.
The servers will keep running over the winter break. It’s possible however that they will unavailable for half a day at some point to perform operating system updates. Have a good and relaxed Christmas break!
IMS Christmas Party 2022 

01. 12. 2022
Hey everyone, we want to invite you to this year’s Christmas Party, which will take place on Friday, December 16th at the IMS, starting 18:30. We’d be happy to see all of you there! As in past years, we warmly invite you to bring some food, so we can have a big buffet with a variety of foods. We’ll be providing Glühwein and other drinks in exchange for a small donation. We’re looking forward to spending a wonderful evening with you!
Your Fachgruppe
Invitation to upcoming events: Games Night + Pub Crawl
10. 10. 2022
We warmly invite all of you – and especially our new students – to two upcoming events:
On November 4th, we’ll have a Games Night at the IMS with food, drinks and lots of board games.
On November 18th, we’re taking you out on a pub crawl!
See our Events tab for further information. Mark the date in your calendars and we’ll see you there!
Join the student representatives!
07. 10. 2022
As always, we are looking for new faces! Helping us organizing events, aiding students and attending our sessions is not a lot of work, but a lot of fun. (Also, we have drinks)
Just come by at one our sessions or write us a message to get in contact!
Our Intro events 2022
15. 09. 2022
… will take place on Tuesday October 4th, 2pm for our Master’s students and on Friday, October 7th, 10am for the Bachelor. Both events can be attended in person or online.
20. 07. 2022
Elections were held and we have a new leadership team. Congrats to the elected and thank you to everyone who held office in the past semester 🙂
Happy Pride Month!

01. 06. 2022
In honor of Pride Month, we want to show all LGBTQ+ folks at the institute and beyound our love and support. We strive to be a space where everyone can be themselves and we hope you’re free to celebrate Pride in whatever way you like best! Happy Pride Month everybody!
Games Night on Thursday, June 2nd!
24. 05. 2022
The student representatives are hosting a Games Night at IMS on Thursday, June 2nd, starting 6pm. There will be drinks, snacks and of course lots and lots of games. (You can of course bring your own games, too!) We’ll also order pizza for all who want some.
You are all warmly invited and we’d love to see all of you there! Come by at any time and bring your friends along!
FSCL @ stuvus-weekend
22. 05. 2022
With a solid contingent of 7 people, the IMS student representatives joined stuvus’ workshop weekend in Bernau in the Black Forest. We met a lot of amazing people, participated in workshops and idea sessions as well as community activities and returned with plenty of new ideas how to make stuvus, the university and our very own institute and SR group even better.
Want to join such events in the future? Just join your SR group or get involved in stuvus. Help is always appreciated!
Meetings in the new semester
19. 04. 2022
With the semester now on its way, we have settled on Fridays, 1pm as our weekly meeting slot. If you want to join us, just come by!
End of semester grill party
14. 02. 2022
Hey all,
to celebrate the end of lectures we’re organizing a small get-together/grill party on Saturday, February 26th, starting noon at the Grilplatz 4 Eichen near Campus. As always, we’ll have some snacks, drinks, coal for grilling and a lot of games. You can bring your stuff to grill.
We’ll be observing the covid rules and only allow vaccinated individuals, we also recommend you get tested beforehand.
The weather forecast is sunny, so come along and have fun! We look forward to seeing you!
SR elections
10. 02. 2022
At our last session of the semester we – as usual – elected the people who will fill our many offices in the following semester. We’re especially happy for an unprecedented number of international students newly holding positions of responsibility.
Our (new) leadership team:
Chairperson: Urs
Deputy chairpeople: VB, Urban
Treasurerers: Tilman, Shawon
We wish all newly elected and re-elected members all the best in the fulfilment of their offices!
Good luck for your exams + requesting Memory Protocols
07. 02. 2022
Dear IMS students,
exam season is upon us once again and we as your student representatives wish you all the best for you upcoming exams. As you know, we have a collection of old exams and memory protocols that we can provide to aid your exam preparations. This service of course continues to be available to you throughout exam season. As our collection of old exams is for many courses sparse, too old or nonexistent (especially for Master’s elective modules), we’re asking for your help: We would be very grateful if you could, after an exam, write down the exam questions to the best of your memory and supply us with this memory protocol, so future student generations can profit. Alternatively you can also ask your lecturer after the exam if they could hand you a copy for the Fachgruppe; we’re also happy about mock exams you might have gotten during the course.
Good luck and big thanks in advance
Your SRs
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
25. 12. 2021 / 01. 01. 2022
🎄 🎄 🎄
The FSCL wishes all who celebrate a merry Christmas as well as happy holidays and a happy New Year 2022 to everyone!
🎇🎆 🎇
IMS Christmas Party
10. 12. 2021
Dear students, dear employees, dear people of the IMS,
Us, the student representatives, would like to invite you all to this year’s edition of the traditional IMS Christmas party, which will take place on Tuesday, December 21st, 2021 starting 6pm.
We initially planned to have it take place in presence, but this was not to be. So, like last year, we will have an online Christmas Party via Webex. Despite the adverse cirumstances, we have set up some exciting program items and planned a party that’s going to be lots of fun for everyone! So grab a mulled wine, some cookies and a Santa hat and join us via the link you should have recieved via e-mail.
If you want to help us make the party more fun for everybody, you can do that in the following way: If you have an idea for a breakout room or other activities or want to contribute a point to the program, just write us!
Also, if you like creating memes, there’ll be a contest: send us your best memes up to the day before and we will announce the winners during the event.
We look forward to seeing you
Your student representatives
Grilling Event & Pub Crawl
19. 11. 2021
Hi everyone,
as you probably heard, there will be a grilling event tomorrow, Saturday November 20th, at the Grilplatz 4 Eichen at noon. We provide some drinks, snacks and grilling equipment, just bring something for yourself to grill. The weather will probably be nice and we’re going to have a good time. A registration via the link in the mail/on Discord is necessary, you’ll also have to provide proof of vaccination/recovery (we’ll check!)
See you tomorrow!
Your SRs
Aditionally, we’re organizing a Pub Crawl next Wednesday, November 24th – register while there are still free spaces! Meeting point is the S-Bahn at 6pm, again registration and proof of vaccination/recovery is absolutely necessary.
SR meetings have started – join us!
30. 10. 2021
This semester our meetings will take place every Thursday, 1pm. We will stick with a hybrid setup (in person at the Student Representatives’ room + online via Webex) for now. If you want to join us, just come by or write us a message!
Information for the semester start
13. 10. 2021
Dear students,
now that the IMS is open again and lectures are starting soon we want to keep you up to date with some information.
- In the coming semester courses will be mixed in how they take place, definitely check C@mpus for whether any courses you attend are online, in presence or hybrid.
- Attending any course in presence will only be possible if you confirm your “3G”-status (vaccinated, recovered or tested). To do that, come to the tent in front of the CS building (Nr. 38), where they’ll load your status onto your ECUS mark. You’ll then be able to scan it with a CactUS-scanner to enter a building.
- Events: The first-year party UNO is cancelled for now and may be held at a later date. Find all other events stuvus offers as part of their intro week here:
First-year introductory events
08. 10. 2021
Our introductory events for new students will take place at the following dates:
M.Sc. Computational Linguistics: Monday, October 11, 2pm
B.Sc. Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung: Tuesday, October 12, 10am
You can attend in presence (Pfaffenwaldring 5b, room 0.018) or online via Webex. The slides from the events will be uploaded here afterwards.
We look forward to seeing you! Your student representatives
Slides from the Bachelor’s event (in German): Main slides, Stefanie Anstein’s slides
Slides from the Master’s event: Full slides, handout
Learning Space at CS building now open to IMS students
13. 08. 2021
While opening a learning space in the IMS turned out to be not really feasible due to space constraints, we were able to enable IMS students to access the learning space of the Computer Science institutes at the CS building (ground floor, room 0.008 – old Info-Bib) starting Monday. You should have recieved an e-mail with information from Dr. Katrin Schneider, their study manager, regarding all of the details of booking and rules, but here’s a short version:
The access to the building is via your ecus ID card. To use this room, you have to register as participant of the course „Lernraum Informatik (Info-Bib)“ in C@mpus. Please note that this course is located in the summer term 2021! After registration you’ll get access to the ILIAS course and there the booking of a place can be done. Here is a short summary of the most important rules:
- The building has to be entered alone, i.e. not in groups of 2 or more people.
- You have to follow the hygiene rules and the rules of keeping distance to other people.
- You have to wear a medical or an FFP“ mask in the building AND during your stay in the study room, without any exceptions! This mandatory use of these masks is still valid, even though you are allowed to take off the face masks during exams. This is not the case in this study room!
- You can book a seat in the study room only for yourself, not for any other person. The study time you have booked must not be exceeded, i.e. you have to leave the room at the end of the time slot you have booked to allow the next people top enter the study room.
- You have to fill in the form for the contact tracking and drop it into the letterbox near the entrance of the room. This form can be downloaded in ILIAS (at the bottom of the page where you have booked the place) or you find it as paper form in the study room near the entrance.
- You are not allowed to learn in groups. There are only single places!
- Everybody has to clean its desk at the beginning of the time in the room. Cleaning agents are available.
At the moment the study room can be used Monday to Friday between 8 am and 11 pm in time slots of 3 hours each. At the moment you can book more than 2 time slots per day as there are not so many students who use this offer. However, this may change in the future. —
A full list of rules (only in German) can be found here. We implore you to adhere to these rules, if you break them you may be banned from the learning space. In case of any question, problems or when you notice that others do not stick to the rules, please immediately get in contact with the student council of computer science or with Katrin Schneider.
We’d like to thank Dr. Schneider and the CS student representatives for their help. Please note that the stuvus learning spaces are still open to you as a seperate service (see post below). We hope this additional opportunity helps you prepare better for your remaining exams, for which we wish you all the best. Love, your SRs <3
We wish all students a successful exam season
28. 07. 2021
Hey all,
with the lectures having ended, we enter the lecture-free period – and with it, exam season is once again upon us. Us student representatives of course wish you a successful preparation and all the best for your exams. To help you manage your exams as best as possible, here are some things we’d like to bring to your attention:
- If you could use old exams to help you prepare four your exams, we might be able to help you out – just write us in the forum or on the discord or shoot us a mail! Unfortunately, our stock of old exams has become over time quite small and out of date. So if you want to help us provide this service to future generations, we’d be very grateful for memory protocols from your exams or for old exams you get from your lecturer.
- If stress or pressure block you from being able to fulfil your academic potential, consider reading through the previous news post regarding psychological counseling.
- The stuvus offers learning spaces where you can study in a concentrated atmosphere, for more infos visit You can book the rooms on Ilias: We’re also trying to get bookable learning spaces going at the IMS asap, but for now we have to refer you to stuvus.
- Know your rights! The rules for withdrawing from exams are still softened, so you can withdraw from exams in presence up to the day before the exam wiothout giving reasons.
- Last but not least: If you have any questions or issues, as always don’t hesitate to write to us on the forum, via mail or via discord and we’ll do our best to help you.
Psychological counseling in English
01. 07. 2021
Once again the exam season is upon us and your student representatives wish you all the best for the exams you take this semester. For many students however, the stress of the exam season takes a toll: many of us are struggeling with pressure, anxiety, motivation or other problems. If you feel overwhelmed or feel like you could use some professional help, you might want to consider the International Service Point’s service of offering counseling; from their website:
“Faculty 5 now offers psychological counseling for its international students in English. In a confidential conversation, our counselor can help you to cope with your current issues, feelings or doubts and gain new perspectives and solutions. Topics of the talks could be study-related and work-related (beyond organizational or content-related questions/concerns), anxiety, isolation, depressive moods, homesickness etc.
Please note that faculty 5 can’t provide a long-term therapy, but the number of consultation hours per student is limited.”
Further information: or contact Stefanie Anstein.
This offer is mostly meant for English speakers, for German speakers the counseling of the Studierendenwerk is the first address. More info under
Committe Elections
10. 06. 2021
[Content provided by stuvus]
Committee Elections at the University of Stuttgart are taking place again – we have a simple request for you: Go vote!
The elections for the senate, the student parliament and the faculty councils will take place online. You can vote from 08 June (10 am) until 17 June (3 pm). To do so, log in to with your st-user ID and click on “Elections”.
At you will find information on how to vote, which offices are at stake, and who you can vote for. You have the opportunity to vote for the student representatives in the university committees and the composition of the student parliament. This is your most important opportunity to influence the processes at our university. Hence the call: Take part in the elections and cast your votes!
Since you couldn’t see any information stands on the campus this year, we have the following options for you to view the lists and candidates:
You can find a “Mahlowat” (German only) at You can position yourself to theses and see which of the Student Parliament lists corresponds best to your opinion and why the respective list is positioned that way.
The following lists stand for election this year:
Student Parliament: “Liste 42”, “Die Fachgruppenliste”, “Liberale und Innovative Liste”, “Nachhaltige & Soziale Liste” and “Spezielle Unitäre Gruppe”
Senate: “Gemeinschaft aus Fachgruppenliste, Liste 42 und Nachhaltiger & Sozialer Liste” and “Liberale und Innovative Liste”
Faculty Council for Faculty 5 (our faculty): “Fachschaften der Fakultät 5”
If you have any questions about the elections, or any other topics, we are there for you. You can contact us at or, and via Instagram and Facebook (stuvus.unistuttgart). We look forward to hearing from you.
Your students’ council stuvus
Our new Mentoring-Programm
14. 05. 2021
Are you struggeling navigating your studies in Stuttgart or have study-related questions and don’t know who to ask? Maybe you’re new to Germany or the university? If that is the case, don’t hesitate to come to the meetings of our new mentoring/Buddy program by students for students. Our mentors offer twice-weekly Webex sessions, namely Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 am and Thursdays 12:00-2:00 pm. Feel free to join at any point! For further information visit their website under—Buddy-Program/. If you are interested and want the link to the webex room or have questions about the program, just write a mail to
Exam registration: info meeting with Stefanie Anstein
14. 05. 2021
The exam registration period has started: until June 10th, you must register for all your mudules and exams on C@mpus. To help you with that, our study manager Stefanie Anstein is offering an info meeting on Wednesday, May 19, 1:05-1:55pm online via There she will explain the process of exam registration and be open to your questions. Especially if you are a new student, this certainly is useful to attend.
Pub Crawl for students and employees
11. 05. 2021
Join us Thursday, May 20th, 7 pm for a pub quiz to test your quizzing skills and win great (and tasty) prizes! Join us at
How it works: You can come alone or with friends and sit together with others at a “table”. Together you’ll try to answer the questions as good as possible, hand them in and in the end one table will stand as the winners and get the main prize. Whether you’re good at trivia or not, we have something for everyone, so don’t hesitate to join!
Games Night tomorrow, April 17th
16. 04. 2021
Don’t forget our Games night tomorrow, Saturday April 17th, 7pm! We’ll play games, chat and have in general a good time. You can join at any time via discord: Especially our new Master’s students are warmly invited!
New Ilias forums for all your questions
15. 04. 2021
We are happy to announce the launch of two new ILIAS forums: The first one will be operated by Stefanie Anstein and serve as a hub for questions regarding your studies, courses, modules, exams etc. and all official rules about these things. It can be found on the Ilias page “Studying@IMS“. Link to the forum:
The second one will serve as a communication channel between you and your student representatives: You can ask us anything, e.g. about tips for studying, old exams, life at the IMS etc. You can find the forum under You’ll have to join this Ilias group first, which is the main group for IMS students.
Both of these are a quick and convenient way to get information and resources, especially if you feel others could also benefit from answers to your query. We are looking forward to your questions!
CL-jobs Mailing List
15. 02. 2021
You might not have heard about the mailing list On this mailinglist managed by the student representatives job offers aimed at NLP or CL graduates will occaisionally be distributed. If you want to see them we recommend signing up to the mailing list. To sign up, click this link; after our mail person accepts you you will be sent an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription.
If you yourself have or know of job offers that would be of interest to IMS students or graduates, we encourage you to send them to
Student Representatives Elections for the 2021 summer term
15. 02. 2021
The student representatives held elections for their offices on Friday, Febuary 12th. For the new semester, the main offices will be filled as follows:
Chairperson: Urs Zaberer
Vice Chairpeople: Tilman Zorn, Marc Petzchen
Treasurerers: Tilman Zorn, Momo Takamatsu
We’d like to thank everyone who has held an office in the past semester or volunteered to hold one in the 2021 summer term.
Our Discord Server
14. 02. 2021
Would you like to meet new people? Communicate more with your fellow students more? Join our Games Nights? We invite you to join our discord server via
All the best for your exams!
11. 02. 2021
Your student representatives wish you all the best for the upcoming exams. If you’d like old exams to help you prepare, just send us a mail to; maybe we will have some!
Our new study guides
To help new students with the many questions they have about courses, modules, exams and other topics the student representatives have created a helpful document for Bachelor’s and Master’s students respectively that we can recommend to everyone. It includes a FAQ, information, tutorials and many useful links and references.
Don’t miss our Game Crawl next Saturday!
There’ll be a game crawl organized by your student representatives on Discord next Saturday, November 14th 2020.
Questions with Stefanie Anstein
25. 11. 2020
A special event for all freshers: Stefanie Anstein will answer all open questions about your studies, the IMS and everything else. We encourage you to attend!
MSV: Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1:10h, Webex room S. Anstein
CL: Thursday, Nov 4, 1:10pm, webex room S. Anstein
Our student representatives meetings
All students of the IMS are welcome to come to our weekly student representatives meetings during the lecture period – we’re happy about every new member 🙂
Meetings take place every Friday, 1 pm