Our Services


We give out laptops for theses etc. Contact us for more info!

Old Exams

Us student representatives own some old exams and memory protocols of past exams. If you want to borrow one for study purposes, write in the forum or send us a mail. In the forum you’ll also find an incomplete list of subjects we have and don’t have exams for.


Are you struggeling navigating your studies in Stuttgart or have study-related questions and don’t know who to ask? Maybe you’re new to Germany or the university? If that is the case, don’t hesitate to come to the meetings of our mentoring/Buddy program by students for students. Our mentors offer twice-weekly Webex sessions, namely Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 am and Thursdays 12:00-2:00 pm. Feel free to join at any point! For further information visit their website under https://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/en/institute/news/news/Mentoring—Buddy-Program/. If you are interested and want the link to the webex room or have questions about the program, just write a mail to student-mentoring@ims.uni-stuttgart.de.

Elective Module Counseling

More info to follow


If you’re interested in computational linguistics related job offers (student employee, internships and full-time jobs), you’ve got the opportunity to sign up for our job letter to receive e-mails with job offers from now on the mailing list: cl-jobs@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de .

To register for the jobletter you just have to send an e-mail to  cl-jobs-request@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de with following command (ATTENTION: don’t write to the mailinglist address):

subscribe [password] [digest|nodigest][address=<address>]

password later needed to unsubscribe

digest get all e-mails of the day summarized instead of single e-mails

address=x if you want to register another e-mail than the one you’re writing from