Introduction winter term 2020 for Master’s students

Introduction for the new students in our M.Sc. Computational Linguistics

Note: The event will be online only!

Dear Master’s students,

the student representative’s introduction event for students starting their Master’s degree in the fall of 2020 will take place on Tuesday, October 27th 2020. During the event we want to introduce ourselves, the university and the intitute as well as give you tips for your studies and the opportunity to meet your fellow students.

The event will start at 2:00 pm online on Webex, you should have recieved the link to the room via mail (if not, contact Stefanie Anstein). Further events throughout the week will be organized by the stuvus, we recommend checking out their website for further information as well as a full schedule of their events.

You can find the slides from the event here.

For a digital tour of the IMS see this video.

Finding the IMS

See this page for instructions on how to get to the Vaihingen campus, you can also search our institute (Institut für maschinelle prachverarbeitung, Pfaffenwaldring 5b) on this interactive map. The walking paths from the subway stop and parking spots can also be found here or here.

If you have any questions, contact us via
We look forward to seeing you!

Your student representatives